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4.4 ( 1824 ratings )
Diensten Reizen
Developer: Karasel Technologies, LLC

In partnership with the San Francisco Travel Association (SFTA)!

Korral is the mobile ride hail directory app — discover ride services in your area and find the ride that is best for you!

Get ride estimates from various car and taxi service providers, including Uber, Lyft, DriveForce, Flywheel, Curb, and Wingz. You can also book rides directly through Korral for certain providers!

Currently serving San Francisco.

Disclaimer: displayed fares are estimates generated through a combination of publicly available provider rate structures and/or APIs, based off the distance between pickup location and drop off location. Estimates may or may not include tolls and/or other surcharges. Actual outcomes from using these represented services are independent of Karasel Technologies, LLC – we simply link users to possible service providers and their services. The names, trademarks, and icons of and for providers are owned by their respective companies. We do not make any promises or guarantees of service to the user.